
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chinese Fortune Sticks- you pick one and read your number!

I haven't written in so long, people might have thought I left the building!

I've just been...fortunate. You thought I was going to say busy, didn't you? Aren't you busy? 

I'm fortunate because I am wealthy. Wealthy with love and family and friends. I stay fortunate and wealthy because I choose to do so. 

I absolutely adore homeschooling my granddaughters. They are so eager to learn, and I am eager to teach. I don't know everything, but what they want to learn that I don't know can be googled. I am a googling granny. Wait, did I just say granny? I'm too young to be called granny. That's why I'm Nana. 

I am so in love with my hubby, Madley. How can a person fall in love more each day? Because I choose to. Madley is not perfect. There, I said it. He has his faults. So do I. I am FAR from perfect. We choose daily to love each other...even when we don't like each other very much. We're not fighters, never have been. I'm more controlling than he is, but I have let go of my control. 

What a lovely feeling. I think menopause makes a woman calm and happy...once you get through it. Hot flashes and mood swings are a right of passage. Now that I am on the other side...I'm mellow yellow.
Okay...sometimes I blow my stack, but not very often and someone has to really push my buttons to get me madder than a wet hen.

I have wonderful friends. Some I've known forever, some I've never met in real-live-person...but I know them. I read about their lives everyday. I'm particular about who I let in my world...other than what I write about here or on Facebook. Private things are...private.

Cooking has become something I finally understand. I can now make a steak that tastes like an expensive one from an upscale restaurant. I don't eat a lot of meat, but when I want a steak...I want it to be tender, juicy and yummy.

Photography is calming and fun. I love to take pictures. Who doesn't? Documenting our lives with photos has become a way of life. I've heard it said, "Photos or it didn't happen." Are you taking enough photos?

After you pick up your fortune stick, you get your fortune from one of the little drawers with corresponding numbers.

So...count yourself fortunate. Count your many blessings.

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