
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm glad I didn't waffle too long on this one...

 My new toy.

We were at our local warehouse store looking at frozen waffles and decided that we didn't like the prices or the ingredients. So we went looking for a waffle maker and on the giant shelf was this perfect little gem.

 My friend Pam had bought one...not sure if it's the same...but it is similar...I wanted one. Now.

I waffled.

But not for long.

Well, because this was the last one.

No, seriously...LAST ONE

So we snatched it up and bought it.

Now we make waffles non-stop.

Thanks for the idea Pam!

When we took it up to the checkout to buy it, the clerk was mad that we got the LAST ONE. She procrastinated and missed her window of opportunity.
Not my fault.

I feel like we won a prize...but had to pay $29.00 for it.

It was regular $39.00

So not only was it the LAST ONE...but we saved $10.

Now I am going to make brownies in the waffle iron.


  1. AHHHH! I probably missed the window too! I think I ended up throwing our waffle iron out becuase it was such a piece of crap. Heavy and stuff would stick to it. Ugh.

  2. This one is great! Light and no sticking. Easy to clean too.

  3. That's a steal, Lindy! At our Costco, that puppy is around $50. We cook waffles on our garage-sale find. It was only $5 and cooks the best waffles. they never stick because it has a patina built up over 30 years or so. Oh, but don't touch the outside of ours; that shiny metal is HOT.


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